FREE WEBINAR 7 Strategies to Ditch the Drama, Stop the Chaos & Live “Happily Ever After”...For Real

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I’ve Been Thinking of You

I’ve been thinking of you during this weird time in our world.

I’ve been wanting to connect with you but it’s taken me awhile to even get myself settled into the recent changes.

I went and did all my grocery shopping, supplement shopping and of course cleaning and disinfectant supplies (at least what I could find) to last for a month. I even made my own wipes. Kind of cool!

And I’ve been able to switch all my in office clients over to online video.

But as I have been supporting my now online clients through these times it’s really been making me think even more about you and wondering and hoping that you are doing well during these somewhat stressful times.

I know with the people I have been working with I have seen a wide range of different emotions and reactions. Some have been more anxious. Some have been more relieved once they and their family were all tucked away and at home. And as time has gone on many are getting restless and or bored.

How about you?

If you want to share with me what’s going on just reply to At least so you aren’t feeling all alone in these times. And if you have a question or just want to share something let me know.

To help support you in this time I’m going to begin sending one or two emails a week with some helpful information just so you know I’m here thinking of you and doing my best to support you. They will include some emotional and relational tips to help you out.

So be on the look out for my emails.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Be safe and healthy.

With all my love,




P.S. In the mean time here is my youtube channel that has lots of tip info. If you subscribe you will get updates when I put my videos out too.