FREE WEBINAR 7 Strategies to Ditch the Drama, Stop the Chaos & Live “Happily Ever After”...For Real

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Meet Deborah


Debbie_about-page Deborah has more than 20 years of expertise in the business of helping people.

She is a highly trained leader, expert therapist and outstanding teacher.

Deborah is the creator of the “Stop the Cycle: Sabotage to Success Relationship System.” This is an effective and efficient Relationship Methodology of which Deborah has condensed from her extensive education, tens of thousands of hours interacting with clients, twenty years professional experience, and her lifetime of personal experiences.

As a coach and speaker Deborah doesn’t just use theory as the foundation of her work, she pulls on years of extensive professional and real life experience as well as her strong educational background.

20 Years Expert Experience

  • Deborah’s strengths and expertise have come from varied career positions working with some of the most vulnerable clients in Los Angeles County.
  • For 6 years she worked in one of Los Angeles County’s largest non-profit mental health agencies as an executive leader in the role of Vice President managing several mental health programs.
  • Totaling 15 years, she developed, directed and administered numerous mental health programs and worked directly with severely mentally ill youth, and their families, who were placed in foster care and residential settings.
  • As a speaker, she presented at national conferences on speciality subjects in her field.
  • She was a vital member and co-chair of change agent county-wide committees to drastically improve county practices.
  • All while maintaining a 20 year private practice working with 100s of clients.

She has been recognized by the County of Los Angeles for her outstanding contributions. Through out her years working with Los Angeles County she has been sought after for her knowledge, skills and training ability to improve quality of care.

Deborah is also a teacher at heart. She pursued her teaching certificate as an undergraduate and taught both elementary and middle schools. Continuing her love of teaching, in each subsequent position she developed and lead diverse workshops and trainings for clients and company staff. She has also been a faculty member teaching Marriage, Family & Child Counseling at the Master’s Level.

She has a unique gift of looking right into your heart, recognizing your core personal needs and then helping you transform yourself and your personal, professional, or romantic relationships so that you can live a life of favor…permanently.

Now, let’s get personal…

If I can have a “happily ever after” … for real, you can too!

You don’t have to struggle in your relationships. You have the power to change your life and relationships. So get started, fill in your name and email address and you will receive my free webinar,“7 strategies to Ditch the Drama, Stop the Chaos and Live ‘Happily Ever After’…For Real.”

Join me in bringing you what you have always desired in all your relationships. And don’t forget when you are really ready and committed for that change, apply for a Complimentary Consultation & Relationship Assessment.